Did you know that Texas REALTORS® offers market research reports to members? These reports are updated regularly and cover a variety of topics. You can use these reports to better understand housing trends and what prospective clients are doing in specific markets and specialties.
- The annual Texas Homebuyers and Sellers Report shares NAR data on Texas buying and selling.
- The Texas Relocation Report shows county relocation data for the 43 largest demographic areas in the state.
- The Quarterly Housing Report includes MLS statistics from nearly 50 markets. New reports are published in February, May, August, and November.
- The Texas Small Land Sales Report includes sales data and expert analysis for the state’s seven regions.
- The International Homebuyers Report includes two NAR studies, Census data, and statistics from the U.S. Office of Immigration Studies.
- The Texas Condominium Sales Report covers sales in Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio.
- The Texas Luxury Home Sales Report reviews sales data for homes priced at or above $1 million in Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio.
- The Texas Remodel Valuation Report is based on NAR and Remodeling magazine data.
The association also publishes reports on membership demographics.
I tried to purchase my last two Texas homes without a realtor and it was a huge hassle. Thank you for posting on such informative topics on this site! Best, Darren Chaker